he was born in the berlin zoo in december and immediately kicked out by his evil polar bear mom. but i bet she's regretting that big time these days, as her son has had quite a meteoric rise to stardom ever since. in fact, my whole vaterland seems to suffer from knut-fever these days. he's absolutely everywhere. in the papers, on tv, ... the stores are filled with knut-like stuffed animals in all sizes. he's even got his own song and it was reported that knut is suddenly one of the hot baby names in germany. and people will stand in line for hours just to catch a glimpse of him playing outside his home. i myself haven't had the opportunity yet, as a vast amount of school children on their easter break is storming the zoo right now. so i'm being smart and will wait a week or two to get my own date with knut. until then i thought i might just jump on the bandwagon with everyone else and let knut work his fluffy magic on my blog. he is cute, right?
Well, he is pretty flippin' cute. Funny how we always overlook the giant seal-eating beast he'll grow into.
Now about people naming their babies Knut...
I love Knut! He was big news over here, too!
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