Friday, April 20, 2007

ancient art, interpreted by me

well, i gotta say that the pic with the most entertainment value was brueghel's "dutch proverbs". i think it contains over hundred of them and they even had an illustrated board underneath with pointers and explanations. good job, pieter!

another painting that stood out was one of neptune basically being naked, save for a giant shell stuck over his thingie. though i can't quite remember who painted it - or maybe i just forgot to look.

there was also a cool painting that depicted "the ascension of jesus". it basically consisted of a bunch of people praying and looking towards the sky in an adoring manner. and then right in the middle on the top, there was just a pair of big feet. i swear. i guess the rest of jesus had already ascended. it kinda reminded me of that four-toed foot statue in LOST of which nobody knows what it is. but furthermore, it begged the question if the painter started the painting at the bottom and then simply got the proportions wrong or if he had some kind of foot fetish? or maybe he was just being cheeky?

anyway, there were some pieces that i wasn't too impressed with. most of all rembrandt's. his stuff just looked so - brown? i suppose he didn't have the dineros for some bright reds or greens or maybe he just got all the brown paint for a good deal? on the other hand there was somebody who had painted a version of "the last supper" with jesus and his fellas wearing bright, tie-dyed clothes. and combined with their long hair, beards and sandals they looked like a bunch of hippies.

i also had my problems with jan vermeer's "the glass of wine". it depicts a young man holding a bottle of wine and next to him a young girl, her face buried in a large glass of the good stuff. now at first glance, it looked totally innocent. but when i started to closely observe the guy's facial expression, the pic suddenly screamed "date-rape in the making" to me. highly questionable art, if you ask me.

but there you can see, it's not so easy to paint and get it right. high art is difficult, even for dudes like rembrandt and vermeer.

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