Thursday, June 14, 2007

meryl, watch out ! AKA update on my rapidly rising extra career

i'm so totally freakin' hot.

and it's not only because it's been 90 degrees in b-town for weeks and humid as in the jungle. no, last night my career as an extra was marked by an important breakthrough. remember my post from april "side notes on my small screen debut"? it's only been six weeks that i had my first part in a german daily soap. and i didn't even get to ride a bike like the other more experienced extras.

but yesterday everything changed. first of all, i got hired for a real movie. big screen. it's a romantic comedy/musical (!). and it stars one of germany's hottest young female stars. and guess, who was chosen among all the extras to be the ueber-extra? the shoot was taking place in a restaurant. and while the other people had to be the restaurant guests and can call themselves lucky if more than the back of their head is noticeable in the movie, i got the part of the waitress. guess, five years of international serving experience finally paid off. i was the one serving the food to the two lead characters as they were having their first date. and i was good. as my hands were shaking when i set down their plates of pasta aioli (garlic on a first date? i bet that screenwriter is single.), it totally fit into the awkward mood of the date. you could actually say that i melted into the scene's atmosphere. and i know it's just the part of the waitress, but audrey hepburn's career started with a cameo as cigarette girl.

and the best of all was that i even got the whole make-up deal. and not only did i get that, but i actually got to share my time in the make-up trailer with the female star of the movie. and she and the male lead totally acknowledged me, eye contact and smile and all. and as if that wasn't enough, one of germany's biggest actors dropped by the shoot to hang out with the director for a bit. and since this shoot was so special and i will always remember it as my big break, i also stole a totally cute sheep from the easter decoration of the restaurant. it was just perfect. though the other extras must have been pissed, uselessly sitting around and having absolutely nothing to play with. but it's a tough business and there are only so many winners and lots of losers. just that since yesterday i'm not one of them.

still, i don't want to get too ambitious yet. you know how important it is to stay humble and not lose the ground under your feet (or the contact to less interesting people like you guys). but on the other hand, the town is abuzz with talk about the new bryan singer picture starring tom cruise. and i've been stalking them for a job behind the camera without success (fuckers!). so now i'm hoping for a call from my agency for that. because, where else could i go up now but hollywood???


Trey Trellington said...

maybe I should move to Germany for work ;)

Congrats! You have to keep us up to date about it!

Lisa said...

I feel unworthy to leave a comment here. I know there's no way someone like you would ever read a comment from someone like me, but if I don't try I'll never know and maybe one day you'll even resond to one of my comments and then I'll be able to tell everyone that we're freinds and they'll all be so impressed and then people will think I'm cool and....

antonia said...

well, i'll give you a call when you win your first pulitzer!

Naz said...

Antonia, you rock! Are they shooting the new Tom Cruise movie in Berlin?

Brian Reeves said...

Congratulations Antonia! You have to let everyone know when the movie is out on if you would hesitate to let us know! You know Tami will love it in German!! Kaylie will want a signed pic to show her friends! ;)