for the past few days i've been doing this cool short movie that's being shot at film school as part of an all-european project about human rights. and it's not only cool and carrying an important message, but it will actually be shown at the next berlin film festival. which as you might know is one of the top three film festivals in the world. i've also been logging a lot of hours in make-up every day, as it's set in the late 40's. and not only did i wear a lovely dress and elegant hairdo, but they even aged me. which made me feel like nicole kidman donning that prosthetic schnooz for "the hours". it's so important to be able to sacrifice one's good looks for the sake of art, right?
also, i could have done another student project these days. but i didn't feel like the script was up to my level. i'm sure you understand that i gotta be careful about my choices at such a crucial time in my career. and of course i don't wanna be over-exposed by filling the background in every freakin' picture. but you gotta admit, i totally rock the business these days. especially if you consider how hollywood has refused to acknowledge me for all these years. which i really didn't understand. well, there's been my participation as audience member in a simulated episode of "deal or no deal" for the nbc executives. and i've been in the booty parlor training video as a guest at a sex toy party (you understand my concern about choosing appropriate projects in the future). but i'm the first to admit that i only got that part because of my company connections rather than talent. on the other hand there was that teacher a few years back that remarked what a great adrian i had been when we re-enacted a scene from "rocky" in class to analyze it. and of course there was that japanese student that followed me into the restroom stall during the break of that same class to tell me "how great my face had looked within the frame". they must have seen something that nobody else did.
another major obstacle on my road to now inevitable stardom had of course been the vicious attack on 9/11. i don't wanna shout here "i'm a victim too!" (which of course i am but you also know i'm humble as hell). but just a few days prior to the attack i was discovered in the most classy way by one of my customers in a restaurant who had asked me if i wanted to participate in her final project at film school. the part had just a few lines, but i would have spoken them with my german accent. of course it never came to be as my impending break-through was ultimately stopped by al-kaida. the movie shoot was delayed another month and took place at a time i was visiting germany :(
so i do wonder, how long it's gonna take those fuckers in hollywood to realize what got away. of course, everything could have turned out differently if they had just seen that 10th grade high school project about violence in which i played the naughty girl who steals the purse of an old lady.

look at me with my 40's hairdo. don't you think i look like ingrid bergman?
Love your 40's look! Gorgeous!
You look HOT with that hair!
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